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Šilkinės plaukų gumytės ir vasara

Šilkinės plaukų gumytės ir vasara

Balaclavas - have already earned your love and have become TOSOIÉ's signature. They are all slightly different - they are created by hand - it could not be otherwise.

They are unique in their color - some are quietly warming, enjoying your company. Others, as if on purpose, clearly stand out and contrast among the black and gray passers-by.

Its composition is diverse, so that it would be easier it is more convenient to choose your own - I will tell you about their composition and materiality. Their inner magic.

Merino wool | merino wool and silk balaclavas

Suitable for everyone who appreciates warmth and coziness, it gently fits the face and neck. However, it will probably leave its mark - fluff - in the lapels and inner part of classic, woolen coats. If this type of coat is your everyday wardrobe, we will offer you other material alternatives.

Alpaca wool

Excellent protection against rain, wind and cold. As I like to say - and from the bad mood that appears with the dargana. It perfectly adapts to the air temperature, which is why it is popular even in warm countries. Alpaca wool has a light fluff and a soft sheen. Exclusivity - this wool has minimal shedding, so it is perfect for even the most luxurious outerwear.

Mohera (Angora goat wool)

Unique and much loved for its durability and softness. This wool has an exceptional "plump" and luxurious shape. Mohera has a natural fluff that tends to felt a little stronger than alpaca wool.

Šilkinė plaukų gumytė paplūdimyje

Extremely warm, soft and luxurious threads obtained by cutting mink. This PREMIUM quality balaclava will look exceptional and will certainly get a lot of looks and questions. This type of balaclava leaves its mark on rubies because it is a property of natural potassium. No mink is harmed in the production of these balaclavas.



It has always been appreciated for its feel on the skin - lightness, shine, smoothness and the luxury it creates. Allows your skin to breathe. Loved for its natural protection for the hair - it protects it in particular, prevents it from falling out and breaking, and also - it does not extract natural moisture from it.

All TOSOIÉ balaclavas can be worn as a warm neck accessory by removing the face covering part. You will imperceptibly get used to always being together.

TOSOIÉ and You with her.